Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about our Durham Catholic Parent Involvement Committee (DCPIC) and the work our parent, guardian and caregiver members are doing to help support students' education.

What does the DCPIC do? 

The purpose of the DCPIC is to: 

  • Supports parent involvement at the regional level;
  • Acts as a link between parents with the school board's director of education and trustees;
  • Seeks the advice and ideas of school councils, other parents and partners;
  • Advises the school board on topics that matter to parents; and
  • Plans and implements strategies to involve more parents at the regional level.

Who sits on the DCPIC? 

The majority of the committee is made up of:

  • Parent Members (up to 16 parents which include the officers);
  • A Parent is the Chair;
  • Director of Education (or Designate);
  • A Trustee (or designate trustee); 
  • Community Representatives (up to 3 members);
  • School Principals/Vice Principals (maximum one from elementary and one from secondary);
  • Teaching Staff (maximum one from elementary and one from secondary); and
  • A Non-Teaching Employee of the Board.

How do I join the DCPIC? Eligibility and Election Information.

Eligibility to join DCPIC:

  • Complete eligibility criteria can be found in the DCPIC Bylaws.
Election information:
  • Elections available positions on DCPIC are held at the beginning of each school year (usually in October).
  • You can be nominated by someone else, or nominate yourself using the online nomination form.

Who makes up the DCPIC Executive?

The DCPIC Executive is comprised of the:

  • Chair
  • Vice-Chair
  • Secretary/Treasurer
  • Past Chair (Only if they are still a Parent Member)

What is the difference between a school council and the DCPIC? 

School councils focus on the local school and community. Parent Involvement Committees focus on things that affect more than one school. They also discuss issues that matter to parents across the school board.

How many times does the DCPIC meet? When and where? 

DCPIC meets once a month, from September to June, of each school year. 

The monthly meetings are held in-person from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. at the Durham Catholic District School Board office, located at 650 Rossland Road West, Oshawa.

Visit our meeting calendar for exact dates.

I have a question or concern regarding my child's education - who should I call? 

Education is a shared experience involving the home and the school and it can be strengthened by open communication between the two. Should a concern about your child's education arise, follow these steps:

Step 1: Contact the classroom teacher and discuss the situation. As a parent or guardian, your child's teacher is always recommended as the first point of contact. If unable to help you directly, he or she will seek to advise you on whom to contact for further information.

Step 2: If the situation has not been resolved contact the Principal and request help in dealing with the matter.

Step 3: If necessary contact the Superintendent in charge of the school involved.

Step 4: If necessary contact the Director of Education.

Step 5: If necessary and if the situation has not been resolved contact your local Trustee.

You can find all the DCDSB contact information on the Contact Us page.